Home - Fairfax Jiu Jitsu Academy - Chantilly BJJ Muay Thai Capoeira MMA Northern Virginia Herndon Reston Loudoun Sterling
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14119 Mariah Court, Chantilly, Virginia 20151

What our students say

Forge: Skills. Strength. Character.

We are no ordinary martial arts school. Since 2007, Fairfax Jiu Jitsu Academy in Chantilly has offered the highest level of instruction in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Muay Thai and Capoeira in Northern Virginia. Internationally recognized, dedicated Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belts and professional coaches with over 100 years of combined experience oversee every aspect of your development and help you achieve your goals. FJJ students come from all over the area including Fairfax, Herndon, Manassas, Vienna, Sterling, Ashburn, Centreville, Oakton, Reston, and Loudoun County. Whether you are looking to lose weight, compete in combat sports, learn practical & effective self-defense, or just want to get into the best shape of your life, Fairfax Jiu Jitsu Academy is in your corner. Join us today!

Coach Sam competes in Jiu Jitsu in Brazil.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

A grappling martial art that includes takedowns, reversals, and submissions. The single, most-effective martial art for self-defense.

FJJ Muay Thai student compete in the ring
Muay Thai

The most effective striking art in the world. We teach an authentic style complete with kicks, knees, elbows, punches, sweeps, and the clinch.

Try Muay Thai
Capoeira students training in a roda with kicks, drums.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial and art self-defense form that brings together fighting techniques, acrobatics, dance, percussion, and songs, in a rhythmic dialogue of body, mind, and spirit.

Try Capoeira
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